About CJ

Opening, Listening, Remembering, Evolving


About CJ

In 2007 I experienced a profound mystical healing in which I was invited to stretch my awareness by focusing on visuals, body sensations, and sounds that were clearly not emanating from the physical world around me. A feeling of being touched, lovingly held, and opened up to receive something energetic (information) developed into bright white light scanning my closed eyes. Messages about the relationship and spaciousness between everything physical and non-physical melted into me. The dimensions in the room I was in widened and expanded. It was a life changing experience that redefined my sense of reality.

Three years later, living in a quiet village in Germany, I began hearing poetic phrases in my mind. As I would write the phrases, I would read and re-read them out loud to myself until the entire poetic writing felt complete.

The repetitive process of listening and writing, without analyzing the words, is deeply relaxing for me. It opens me up to an inner knowing that is comforting and healing to my human experience. Honoring this process allows me to remember the intelligent, loving presence within me that is wise, often childlike, and knows me as whole, empowered, and free. Remembering is highly regenerative to all aspects of my beingness.

I enjoy finding the unique cadence and timing of a writing. I listen, not just to the words. I also listen to the silence or space between the words. Visually, the placement of generous physical space between words on a page, is important to my process as I read and re-read.


The value of focusing on space has become more evident to me over the years. Modern science shows us what Mystics have ever known…that we are more space than we are matter. When we get quiet and take attention off the physical world (matter) to sense, listen, and notice the space within and around us, we become aware of the infinite intelligent loving energy that we are and thus fall in love with ourselves and life.


Part of life is trusting its twists and turns. My life took an abrupt turn in 2013. I went from inner peace to inner turmoil due to a choice I made based on a belief that my value was not inherent but rather based on outside recognition. I took my attention off the writings and stopped listening to my inner knowing. In a pattern of high self imposed stress for over a year, neurological symptoms starting showing up in my body and stopped me in my tracks. My will to be well inspired me to investigate my subconscious thoughts and beliefs. I began to study quantum healing and meditate twice a day to connect with the loving intelligence within me. I attended several Dr. Joe Dispenza retreats and experienced more life changing mystical moments. I returned to listening and writing. I do not regret the choice that took me away from my inner knowing. Life experience and challenge taught me to recognize my innate value. Every healing journey is really a journey of remembering…remembering that we are infinitely lovable, loved, and loving. In remembering we can relax, let go, unwind to reclaim our joy and freedom.


Everything we need already exist within us. We can choose to get quiet, pay attention to, listen to, and relax into the loving consciousness hidden in the space within us. It is in the nothingness of space that we experience that we already have access to everything we need to thrive and evolve.