Dreams, Art & Other Stuff

Love speaks in dreams.


In daydreams and sleeping dreams,


love invites us to act awake.


Love speaks in art,


art made from the hearts of many,


love clears a way within our unfolding.


Loveliness shining through every soul.


Every speck of consciousness,


dreams and art conspire a flexible plan.


In the plan, other stuff gets in the mix of things.


Some brings us closer and we feel it.


Some stuff holds us farther away and we don’t feel it.


No one can escape it.


No one can outrun it.


No one can confuse it.


No one can diffuse it.


But if we abuse it,


we lose.


We lose sight of who we are.


We lose sight of what we can be.


We forget ourselves and our clear vision


of others is diminished.


Yet Love does not push me even when I look the other way.


Love welcomes me, and we and us into a playful dance,


meant to distract me, and we and us from the other stuff,


the other stuff we focus on for too long.


The other stuff that calls us away…


from our dreams and art.


Upward & Onward


Using Each Other