Completely Unashamed

If I could


reach into your heart,


if it were a possibility


to make you feel for thirty seconds


completely unashamed,


I believe I would resist the temptation to turn things my way.


You do not need my assistance.


I believe in you now!


You know who you are.


I see you shining, in spite of what looks not right in the world,


remembering that beneath it all,


we are whole.


For in our essence


we are unashamed to shine,


unashamed to run blind,


straight through the dark woods,


trusting the way,


clothed only in the truth,


wearing garments made of leaves,


adorning nature as she weaves.


Unashamed cuts the illusive cord


so bold to claim its hold


upon a soul…


a soul empowered and completely,


completely unashamed.


Ode to a Weeping Dogwood


Upward & Onward