Giving Up Waiting

Are you waiting for something to happen so that you can be happy?


I catch myself doing this.  We can change this.


If we wait for the money or the health or the relationship or the home, we are prolonging our happiness.


If I give sincere thanks for your happiness, your abundance, your health and vitality, your satisfying relationships, your beautiful home…..then I give up waiting.


And that is self sustaining.


If you give sincere thanks for your happiness, your abundance, your health and vitality, your satisfying relationships, your beautiful home…..then you give up waiting.


And that is self sustaining.


If there is something we want and we don’t see it showing up in our world, we can give sincere thanks for what we notice others have - abundance of everything they want, excellent health (fit, strong, flexible, supple, stamina, the ideal weight/shape), loving relationships, clean/organized/comfy homes.  


That which we notice in our physical world, no matter if we notice our having it or someone else having it OR we are imaging having it, it is the noticing OF it AND giving sincere thanks for it that draws more of it to us.


It can take less than a minute,

To stop waiting and become self-sustaining.


Question:  So why don’t we do this more often?  Because we have become conditioned to believe that we are separate from each other, that there isn’t enough for everyone and that only what we can experience with our physical senses is real.  These beliefs close our heart centers.

Answer:  Breath into your heart center.  Place your hands over your heart.  Say “Thank You” over and over again.  Smile.  Laugh. Imagine whatever makes your heart sing and savor the feeling. When the feeling fills you, give thanks for anything you can think of.


If you are a visual person, here are some images to get started.  


Watching the sun set from a beautiful beach.  Feeling the warmth and the breeze.  Breathing in the fresh air. Give thanks for the sand, blue sky, for freedom, for our beautiful planet etc. and keep going……if staying with these images feels good, keep breathing and feeling gratitude for it OR add on to it.


Puppies or kittens running through fresh grass. Feel the joy, the innocence, the playfulness and so on.


Think of a moment or moments in which you felt joy, happiness, love.


Imagine having what you want like you really are experiencing it now. Wouldn’t you feel excited, relieved, overjoyed, in awe and wonder, so grateful!  Feel it in your heart and your whole body.


Special Note: Its important to honor ALL emotions and let them flow instead of stifling them.  In my experience, letting the uncomfortable emotions come to the surface allows the emotion its release. This part is undoubtedly the most challenging because we understandably don’t want to feel the pain.  Its soooo important to be kind to ourselves in these moments AND to remember that it will pass more quickly when allowed and not judged.  Love it and thank it for coming up to be heard, honored and released. LOVE it!  This takes practice.  I know.



Love is All That Is


Another Way